Dec 06, 2021 | Crystal Weisberg | 662 views
U13 AE Ennismore Eagles Epic Showdown
Tournament Details
Ennismore Minor Hockey Association
U13 AE Ennismore Eagles Epic Showdown
Feb 4th and 5th 2022
AE Groups 3,4,5 (BB - DD rated centres)
$950 registration fee (50% deposit to be made upon registration to hold your spot in the tournament, remaining balance to be paid on or before Dec 15th 2021)
8 teams total
4 game guarantee
A,B,C,D division championship games
Prizes for all players
All games will be played at the Robert E. Young Recreation Complex 553 Ennis Rd. Ennismore
Tournament Rules
Games will be 10, 10, 15 - No Flood
To make sure we stay on time, teams should be ready to play 10 mins before posted start time incase we are ahead of schedule. This will help with any games that go over their allotted time for any reason and allow for award presentations etc.
2 points for a win
1 point for a tie
Tie Breaker Rules
Head to Head
Goals against
Difference of goals for vs. against
Coin Flip
In the event of a tie after the 3rd period in a championship game, the winning team will be decided in a shootout.
3 shooters/team
If the game is still tied after each team has gone through 3 shooters, each team will provide 1 more shooter until the winner is decided
All players have to shoot before a player can shoot for a second time
Each team will be allowed one 30 second timeout per game.
All decisions from referees are final