Please see the below message from Selwyn Township and the attached memo from Peterborough Public Health.
Good Afternoon
We have been asked to circulate some information on behalf of Peterborough Public Health in regards to the Smoke Free Ontario Act.
Please see the full details attached in the letter from PPH.
In summary:
There are going to be Tobacco Enforcement Officials circulating the county to the various buildings
1. Education & Inspections – now
2. Warnings – February 1 to 14
3. Charges – After February 14 ($305 fine)
Please pass this on to your membership so they are aware. In partnership with the PPH, Township staff will ask anyone who is smoking near an entrance to move to another location.
We understand that given layout of the properties, this may be difficult, but we are asking that at the Ennismore Community Centre building that smokers go to the area of the concrete sheds near the first base line during the winter and in Lakefield in the back corner of the parking lot behind the building on the opposite side of the skatepark.
If anyone has any questions, please contact Peterborough Public Health
Peterborough Public Health Memo