Mar 14, 2023 | E.M.H.A | 572 views
Permission to Skate-PTS (AAA) & Non-Resident Passports-NRP- (AA OR A)
EMHA Members- The
Permission to Skate-PTS (AAA) & Non-Resident Passports-NRP- (AA OR
A) forms have not been released to centre contacts as of yet. They are
not expected until the 1st week of April.
We will activate the request form online for you to submit your request
to the OMHA Rep for processing when the forms are available on March 15, 2023. Please
make sure the forms are correct with all the information. PTS forms will be sent via email. NRP forms must be picked up. If you have any questions please email
[email protected]
Thank you & Good Luck