Sep 29, 2021 | EMHA | 1255 views
Important update for ALL EMHA members
This is an important message for all EMHA members.
Please review the attached code of conduct after reading through the message below. All members will also be receiving this message via email.
Players, team staff, referees, and spectators are to enter through the front entrance only. Before entering the facility you MUST show your proof of vaccination, identification and negative Covid Screening to your covid screener.
Proof of vaccination shall be in its original form, a ministry email receipt or an uploaded version from the Ministry website. No modified forms (i.e wallet cards) will be accepted.
To be permitted in the facility:
1. a participant 18 and over MUST show proof of double vaccination plus 14 days;
2. a spectator 12 and over MUST show proof of double vaccination plus 14 days ; and
3. any team staff and referees MUST show proof of double vaccination plus 14 days.
The Ennismore Minor Hockey Executive and the Township will have zero tolerance if the guidelines are not followed. We are bound by Ontario and Local Public Health Unit legislation and we will follow these guidelines until restrictions are lifted.
If any parent, grandparent, friend or other person is entering the facility in any manner other than what is outlined by the Township and Association, the next steps will be:
First step – Ejection of the offender from the arena for the remainder of the season. Township and OMHA notification.
Second step - Ejection of the offender and their child from EMHA for the remainder of the season. Township and OMHA notification.
There are approximately 340 players registered with Ennismore Minor Hockey Association and the executive will not allow the actions of those who do not comply with the guidelines to jeopardize their season.
Kyle Van Huizen
President, Ennismore Minor Hockey Association