Effective April 1, 2024, Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) mandates a centralized screening process with respect to Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC). This announcement impacts all volunteers of Ennismore Minor Hockey – and requires action before upcoming season.
The following individuals who are associated with the OHF, Members, Senior, Junior, Minor, and Female Hockey (Associations, Teams, Clubs) must adhere to the OHF Screening Policy and submit to the OHF:
• Team Officials (including but not limited to Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, Managers and overall Team volunteers);
• On-Ice Officials; and
• Anyone else who, through their duties on behalf of the OHF, a Member, Senior, Junior, Minor and Female Hockey (Associations, Teams, Clubs) may work with children (included but not limited to on ice volunteer, skills coaches, third party skills coaches and dressing room supervisors).
It is imperative for all Team Officials to ensure their VSC is complete to be eligible for programs on and off the ice. This includes a valid VSC and the OHF Screening Declaration Form.
Before entering the OHF Screening Submission Portal, please ensure you are ready with the necessary documentation. You will need your:
• Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) Number; AND
• Vulnerable Sector Check (PDF) AND OHF Screening Declaration Form (PDF); OR
• Receipt of Vulnerable Sector Check (PDF) AND OHF Screening Declaration Form (PDF);
- OHF VSC Request Letter
- OHF Self Declaration Form
Full screening process details are available at https://ohf.on.ca/risk-management/ohf-vulnerable-sector-checks/
Please Note:
1. All documents must be in PDF format to be accepted.
2. For the 2024-25 season, the OHF will be accepting copies of a Vulnerable Sector Check from 2022-23 or 2023-24 AND OHF Screening Declaration Form (PDF). (Please note that the EMHA has not saved any VSCs received from previous seasons – as we were instructed to delete records once reviewed for privacy reasons).
Links to request police services VSC request forms by area of jurisdiction:
You are encouraged to action this request immediately – as turn around time for VSC checks are 1 to 2 months.
- OPP VSC Link: https://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=147&lng=en
- City of Peterborough VSC Link: https://www.peterboroughpolice.com/en/request/record-checks_copy.aspx#Apply-for-a-Police-Record-Check-Online